Thursday, April 13, 2017

3 Ways Drinking Water Can Improve Your Life

We are all searching for ways to improve our lives and be more successful, and chances are if you are looking to improve your life, you are looking to be more healthy, and if you want to be more healthy, you need to drink more water! Many of us have our own drinks of choice that give us some fulfillment, however the benefits we would receive if we drank more water are exponential. I myself, am an athlete and can personally vouch for the positive affects on my life when I am disciplined enough to only drink water. But don't just take my advice, we are going to look at 3 ways in which drinking water can improve your life.

Image result for hydration
Here are some ways water is important to the human body according to

Water can curb your appetite 

Many people can mistake their bodies signs of thirst, for hunger. According to when we become dehydrated, we also begin to feel hungry. So when you get that late night craving for Doritos, or your favorite guilty pleasure, try drinking water because you may just be dehydrated instead of hungry! This is happening because our body is mistaking our need for water, as hunger. One option I propose is next time you think you are hungry drink a glass of water, wait ten minutes and see if your hunger has dissipated. ultimately drinking more water instead of unnecessary meals will make you a healthier, better, you!

Water can make you happier

Not only can drinking water help curb your appetite, but drinking water can also make you happier! Yes, according to a study from the University of Connecticut's Human Performance Laboratory, and, water was proven to increase an individuals mood. The negative affects of dehydration set in at approximately 1.5 percent loss in fluid volume, which is considered only mild dehydration. This shows that if an individual is serious about maintaining their mood and energy levels, they need to be serious about their hydration levels too!

Water can lower risk of cancer

Perhaps the most amazing contribution of water to the human body, may be its affect to decrease the likelihood of cancer. These affects are starting to appear, most notably in a study of colon cancer, thanks to the book "You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty" by Michael Tennesen. His researcher concluded that women who consumed no less than four glasses of water per day, had nearly half the odds of getting the disease as women who limited themselves to two glasses a day. This just shows that drinking water might just save your life!

I believe this information is valuable to our American society in that we are so caught up in how to improve our lives, but the simplest answer is right in-front of us every day. Drinking water. This knowledge should benefit my readers in that they now know several steps to take to improve their life just from hydration.